
I’ve wondered in the past if the doctors made a mistake and i really don’t have MS.  Of course, after I have those thoughts, i think well there has GOT to be some kinda explanation for the things that have been happening.  I can probably explain away the falls as my being a klutz, but everything else?  not so much.  Also, the only symptom (Y can’t i spell this word on the 1st try???) that I experience is walking problems (i’m not complaining, really I’m not but it always makes me wonder).

People have been asking me recently if the new meds are working.  I knew without a doubt that the Ampyra made a tremendous difference – no question.  Have i seen a difference now that I’m also taking Tysabri?  I really can’t say for sure.  I mentioned before that the Tysabri at first appeared to be negating what the Ampyra did.  That wasn’t an EXACT statement, in that before taking the Ampyra, my feet/ankles (that region) were very weak…started taking the Ampyra and that was improved and now, I no longer drag my feet but after I started taking Tysabri and i stay upright for too long, my knees start locking up…WTF??!?!?  Is that the MS or something else?  Is it that the muscles that normally keep that from happening are weak?  what the fcuk is it?  Now, i will admit that it is not as bad as the first weekend after the 1st Tysabri infusion but still…

so to go along with those thoughts of a misdiagnosis, I also wonder if I’m taking all these meds for nothing.  Are they making a difference?  Shit – hell if I know! i guess…I hope…but i really can’t bet my life on it! 

MS Diagnosis

I’ve been gone for a while.  I’ve been super busy at work and haven’t known my ass from my elbow for a while, but the project I was working on is done so I’m back.
I had lunch with a newly diagnosed friend and his wife the other day.  I have to say that i’ve read/heard some stories of people’s journey toward being diagnosed and again, I AM LUCKY.  I went to a neuro in January and I was diagnosed with certainty in May – after a slew of testing.  I’ve heard stories of people not being diagnosed for YEARS and YEARS.

So they start telling me his story (luckily for him he was diagnosed within no time too) and it got us to thinking…in this day and age doctors really need to get with the program.  Anytime someone enters their office and they have symptoms that don’t seem to link to anything they need to immediately start thinking of MS and start trying to rule it out.  It’s not right that patients have to suffer through an undiagnosed/misdiagnosed sickness and listen to an asshole doctor who might be trying to prove that (s)he earned her medical degree when all of us out there (diagnosed folk) can say, “oh yeah, that’s classic MS!”

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