It's (almost) That Time Again

Fete of the year!!

Cooler fete is 5/17.  Is in the same place as last year so does that mean Dekalb County’s Finest Morons/Assholes will leave us alone? They didn’t shut it down last year so there’s hope. This year should be better than ever – it’s the 10 year anniversary so there’s a top DJ (imported straight from Trinidad) AND a BOSS artiste.  I plan to go get my haircut and GO STRAIGHT BACK HOME! Will do my eyebrows on Friday.

People's Reactions

it’s always interesting to me to see people’s reactions to their learning that i have MS.  sooooooo many people ask me what’s wrong regardless of where i am when they see me walking with the cane.  i’ve mentioned before that the usual question is “what happened to your foot?” and my standard answer is, “nothing happened to my foot, i have Multiple Sclerosis”  i’ve stopped saying MS because i don’t know just how many people know what MS is.

  • right off the bat however, i can tell whether or not the person even knows what ” Multiple Sclerosis” is – they just kinda nod their heads and keep it moving.  no reaction (not that i need one), no additional comments, nothing.  it almost looks like they were embarrassed that they asked.  
  • then there are those who say things like, “oh i’m so sorry to hear that” and we may engage in some small talk about “life throwing u curveballs and u jes hadda deal”
  • lol…there was this old man 1 time, after i told him what was wrong, he said something that to this day i have no idea what it was.  i’m not convinced that even  he knew because he kind had the “deer in the headlights” look as he was saying it…but then he said, “well at least you’re out and about here doing your thing” and i smiled and said, “i sure am”.
now and again i might wonder if i’m giving them too much information by telling the truth, but the way i figure is that you should be prepared for anything if yuh fas enuf to ask the question.  if u can’t handle the truth, you shouldn’t ask any questions.  and then there was this guy…
Me: i have multiple sclerosis
Him: oh…now is that the one that progresses and there isn’t any cure?
Me: yup.  it sure is
Him: and it lives in ur spine?
Me: well it affects the Central Nervous System so it could attack ur spine so it could affect your mobility 
Him: so what happened?
Me: i gave him a shortened version of my eyebrow twitching etc
Him: oh…and when did it happen?

i was actually in a nail salon and he was working so i never got a chance to respond because someone else had entered and he had to go do his job but, i was cracking up inside because i had NEVER encountered anything like this.  i had no problem sharing, i’ll talk about it to anyone who wants to listen but it was just so funny to me how he kept going on and on and on…i think we’d still be talking if that chick didn’t enter.  lol

Well Wouldn't u Know it…


cooler fete 2013 was NOT shut down..we partied and had a good time till 6am the next morning and weren’t bothered at all by the morons 🙂

hopefully the promoters will continue having the party in that place going forward and the fete will get back its good vibe that it’s been lacking for the past few years.  i used my scooter and it was FULLY initiated – it wine dong d place (and get wine on), drank alcohol and even had a doubles or 2 – lol…all in all a rhell good time.

Nothing to report on the MS front…i go back for my 2nd steroid treatment on Friday and start Tecfidera next week.

On another note.  got a phone call today asking me when was my last infusion and shouldn’t i be thinking about scheduling May’s infusion right about now?  the call was from THE SAME PEOPLE WHO CALLED THE LAST TIME TO SCHEDULE THE TECFIDERA!!!!!!!!!!!!  oh my goodness – the shit is right there “in your computer” (as the people say).  i’m happy to report that i didn’t get my panties in a bunch, i didn’t have any attitude.  i just rolled my eyes, sighed inside and answered the lady’s questions.  one of the questions she asked me was, “did you talk to your doctor about this?”…sigh.

i know allyuh feel i make this shit up but i swear to u, it’s the truth.

the Latest and Today's Ole Talk

so my recent “happenings”…my right thumb moves on its own.  just a small movement, like a (continuous) flicking motion (about 2 mm or so).  last week when i started noticing it, it actually happened all day long from that moment.  it’s also quick movements too…it’s annoying but nothing else.  actually, honestly it isn’t happening as much anymore.  is it the MS?  hell if i know, but it insist on hanging around, so it’s getting blamed!  it’s extremely annoying when i play this game on my phone because i would position my thumb where i want a ball/thing to drop and then my thumb jerks and the thing goes where i don’t want it to go – steups!

One of the reasons that i stopped writing for those couple months too is that i got tired of writing about being sick and falling!  remember i said at the beginning of 2012 that i would keep up with my falls?  well i did and it actually was 12 – i think…i’m almost sure it was 12 (ugh! great!  1 a month).  i was doing rhell good this year, for the most part, and then fell twice last weekend.  so far for this year it’s been 3 but i can honestly say that i can only blame the MS for 1 – the other times, i was doing shit that i should not have, altho maybe without the MS, i woulda been able to “catch myself”?  i’m not keeping up this year (it could get depressing after a while) but it has been 3 (off to a bang up start).

i go in for infusion #38 next week; i plan for that to be my last – WOOHOO!!  i won’t be able to start the ball rolling to go on BG12 (it actually has a new name now) i don’t think because i won’t actually see my doctor but i should be able to get all my questions answered so that i can hit the ground running when i do see him in May.  We’ve already spoken about it too so I expect no surprises/push back/pressha from him; he actually wants me to switch.

anyhoo, ah gone so…have a great weekend everyone!

2 Things I've Learned

so my left side, for whatever reason, is the more MS afflicted side.

  • i drag my left leg, it’s always the stiffer one, it’s the one that i have more trouble to lift (say to get into a car amongst other things).
  • My left hand is the one that likes to curl up and give me shit to open. 

nothing really going on with the right arm or leg.  

I’m not sure if i mentioned that my last trainer decided to ups and leave GA and move to NY, so at the end of the year last year i was desperately looking for a new trainer – almost reaching panic stage because:

  1.  that arthritis (?) ad kept playing in my head, “a body in motion, stays in motion while a body at rest, stays at rest – they are trying to encourage people with arthritis to stay active and get on some pill – and i really want to stay in motion
  2. will i be able to afford a new trainer???  i was getting a friends and family deal with Rhonnel!  

well, say what you want about Facebook, it’s good for some things, i finally got a trainer who i could afford.  So i s’pose everybody does things their way and would you believe that i’ve discovered, working out with her, that my LEFT side is actually stronger than my RIGHT?!?!  who woulda thunk it? certainly not me!  wow!

onto the 2nd thing…who out there knows exactly how tall a chair must be for them to be able to sit on and get up from it easily?  ME, that’s who!  i’ve discovered that if a chair is 18 inches tall, i can easily sit on it and when it’s time to get up, i don’t need any help whatsoever – woohoo!  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that i always need help with other heights, it’s just that 18 is the magic number 🙂


ah gone so…hol it dong…

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